1 Adjectives can describe other words.
2 To identify the genre of the adjective, we have to...
3 Adjectives are always written after the Noun.
4 Which of the following sentences is not correct?
5 When the adjective depends on the verb, it is written...
6 Which of the following sentences is not correct?
7 We generally don't use more than 3 adjectives together.
8 The Qualifying Adjectives are used to...
9 "Any" and "Few" are examples of...
10 Interrogative Adjectives are used...
11 Which of the following is a Demonstrative Adjective?
12 _____ is the bank.
13 "Our" and "My" are examples of...
14 I love _____ new shoes.
15 "First" and "Two" are examples of...
16 In general, adjectives have no gender.
17 In which sentence the adjective refers to a female Noun?
18 Emily needs _____ pencil.
19 "What" and "When" are examples of...
20 _____ is your house?