1 Generally, to describe a noun, we don't use more than 2 or 3 Adjectives.

2 There is not an established order to be respected when we use many Adjectives in a sentence.

3 When the Adjective depends on the verb, it is written…

4 Which of the following is an Interrogative Adjective?

5 "First" and "Ten" are examples of Quantitative Adjectives

6 "That" and "Those" are considered Quantitative Adjectives.

7 The Numerical Adjectives are used to talk about amounts.

8 The Adjectives have no gender.

9 The Demonstrative Adjectives have different form in Singular and Plural.

10 Generally, the Adjectives are written after the Noun.

11 There is an order to be followed when we use more than one Adjective in a sentence.

12 To identify the gender of the Adjective, we generally take into account the Noun next to it.

13 Which of the following sentences is written correctly?

14 _____ flowers are pink.

15 The Interrogative Adjectives are used…