1 One syllable words usually have short vowels.

2 What does "Silent e" mean?

3 In words ending with "-er", the final sound is…

4 Which phoneme represents the sound of the "Hard G"?

5Which of the following words include both "Soft" and "Hard G" sounds?

6 The schwa is not a common sound in English.

7 Which phoneme represents the sound of the "Soft G?"

8 When "C" is followed by "Y", the "C" sound is...

9 Which of the following words includes both "Soft" and "Hard C" sounds?

10 When the final spelling of a word is "ee", the sound is…

11 When "G" is followed by "A", the "G" sound is...

12 If there is a vowel between two consonants, the vowel sound...

13 The schwa is the most common sound in English.

14 /k/ represents the sound of the Hard "C".

15 Some consonants can represent different consonant sounds.